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May 31, 2010


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Abigail Welborn

While I struggle way more with BIC time than BOC time, I'm glad to be reminded that the latter is still importatn!

Donna Cummings

Abigail, I know about the struggle - with BIC and BOC. LOL Sometimes I think that's why I write certain topics, as a reminder to ME! LOL

And BOC time is very important. I think our brains need "play time" too, and they're a lot more cooperative if they have that kind of reward. :)


Ha! I should have come here this weekend before my divorce from writing. Could have spared myself some guilt *before* my divorce. :)

Donna Cummings

Well, Jan, it did sound like your "divorce" was a good one. LOL You came back after those 5.5 hours all refreshed and raring to get back to writing. I would have loved to save you from feeling guilty though! Maybe next time! LOL

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