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June 25, 2010


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Gee, Donnaroo, I sorta liked the idea of zombies jumping out of nowhere and finishing his last job...

Maybe he can keep going, as a ZOMBIE!

But I know, I'm twisted and tend to find the strange twists a story can take as interesting. When it's done well and if I picked up that book, I'd like some warning that this last job was going to detour into some major strange and unusual territory.

I won a copy of Ms. Sokoloff's book from SavvyAuthors. Hope she remembers to bring it to Nationals for me...

I do think genre expectations can be tricky when the author has so little control over how something is marketed. I wrote a blog about that once... ;-)

Donna Cummings

LOL, Maureen, I think it would be cool if zombies jump out. . .but as long as there's some WARNING, as you said. Otherwise, it feels like trickery or gimmicky (is that the right word? LOL) I like surprises and twists too -- as long as they fit the world of the story.

That's awesome about you winning her book! I've always enjoyed the advice she gives, so I'm sure it'll be a good read.

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