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September 29, 2010


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kathryn magendie

stopping by from The Tartitude's site - I'm not a romance writer, but sometimes I have the Inner Critic Blues - and it's one thing to have it while writing something new, but really bad when you have it on a book that's already published ...lawd

Donna Cummings

Kathryn, thanks for stopping by! I'm a big fan of the Tartitude, and it was lovely of Jan to link my blog to hers.

The Inner Critic Blues seem to be going around -- it might have morphed into a virus actually. LOL Sorry to hear that it's been getting to you on a published book! Eek -- and here I'd hoped the I.C. would finally be satisfied.

I hope you found some things in the post that maybe helped deal with the inner critic. Congrats on your books too. :)

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