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September 06, 2010


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Caller ID is your friend... But I love these stories where an author blurts out honest reaction... I mean, we all dream of the phone call but do we prepare? Not really!

Mine was all done via e-mail, but it was cool. I'm sure if I re-read my e-mail I'd probably find some totally innane phrase, even with the opportunity to review before hitting send. I don't want to think what I would have done with a phone call, undoubtedly blathered incoherently!

Hope the next call for you totally sends you screaming around the house. With joy, or course! And may it be soon!

Donna Cummings

Maureen, I love caller ID -- and this is the one time I didn't think I needed to check it! LOL I seriously thought I *was* prepared, but I definitely was caught off guard. LOL

I'm hoping you get a call soon too. You shouldn't get to miss out on the opportunity to blurt and scream. LOL

Anita Clenney

Loved the story, Donna. This is so like something that would happen to me. Here's hoping the BIG DADDY of all calls comes quickly!


Hi Donna - I got my call from CW about three minutes after I'd sent her an email that said "I'm told that it's acceptable to inquiry after 4 months" (being the amount of time she had my ms). She apologized for taking so ling and said she wanted to talk about representation. I'm sure she went through the same process with both of us, as it was almost exactly at the same time!

(BTW, I'm in New England too)



(Memo to Pete - proof read your post)

Donna Cummings

Anita, thanks for the good wishes! I probably better start "practicing" now, right? LOL (As if it'll make a difference!)

Donna Cummings

Pete, I'm laughing at the thought of Christine thinking, "What IS it with those New Englanders on the phone?" LOL

Are you going to be at Crime Bake in November? I'll get to meet Christine face-to-face for the first time, so I'm looking forward to that. :) It sounds like there will be some other BC Peeps there as well.

And no worries about the proofreading -- I always seem to spot the typos right AFTER I hit send (they must have a force field up before then.) LOL

Liz Lipperman

Donna, I left a really long comment earlier. What happened to it? It was filled with wisdom!!

Donna Cummings

Liz, I'm so sorry! TypePad seems to do that sometimes -- I can only guess it loved your wisdom, and decided to keep it for itself!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that it shows up later -- "the prodigal comment". LOL

Rochelle Staab

Cute story, Donna. I can so easily relate to the girlfriend call-swap routine! You made me smile.

My moment came during lunch break when I was on jury duty. I was huddled against a window at small table in the noisy cafeteria of the LA Criminal Courts Building when Christine called. I remember being tongue-twisted nervous, the reception in the cafeteria sucked and it was pouring outside. My glee in forced containment until the judge let us go at the end of the day.

I hope Christine is keeping notes on her author calls. They'll be a hilarious addition to her memoirs someday.


Donna Cummings

Rochelle, that must have been torturous for you! LOL The judge was probably wondering why you were smiling so much too. :)

I bet Christine is keeping notes! Which is why I thought I'd get my version of events out there first. LOL

Joni Sauer-Folger

Okay...I didn't get a call, but was pretty damn speechless when Christine told Kari that I was the newest BC Babe...in the bathroom at the Karaoke bar during Conference.

Liz said, "You don't seem very excited." I said something like, "Did she really just say that?" It STILL doesn't feel real, but then, I'm pretty new. Haven't even had a phone conversation with her yet.

But that's a story in itself. She called, but I didn't recognize the area code and deleted the call. LOL Geez, what a nimrod!! (sigh) I'm hoping she will call back.

Donna Cummings

Joni, your "call story" is definitely the most unusual. LOL I can see where it would seem unreal, but you got to talk to her in person, which makes it even MORE real. :)

You'll definitely be ready next time she calls! :)


Yes, Donna, I will be at Crime Bake. I know Cassy is coming too, but I didn't check the list of attendees to see who else. I live 25 minutes from the venue.

Donna Cummings

Pete, it sounds like the BC crowd will be well represented at Crime Bake. (Hope somebody is taking up a collection for all the bail money we'll need. LOL)

Terri Osburn

I almost missed this! And it made me teary. I think it's a combination of happy for you and extreme longing for a CALL on my part. LOL! I can't wait until we get the email that you've sold. That is going to be one helluva party on the pirate ship!

(And for Chance too!)

Donna Cummings

Terri, you are too sweet! I want you to get that call too (and have my fingers crossed for you so hard there's no circulation). The party is going to be legendary. LOL Let's start planning for it now -- I'll have the Hotties practice their cover poses. LOL

Liz Fichera

She sounds like a lovely agent. I have heard nice things about her. She also sounds like the type of agent who'll hang with you when the going gets rough. Good luck with your submission!

Donna Cummings

Liz, thanks for the good luck wishes. Christine really is great, and I'm glad we're working together--the whole process seems so much easier. :)

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