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November 01, 2010


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The older I get, the more of a morning person I become. Or really, it's just less of a night owl. I don't ever see myself getting up at the crack of dawn and being happy about it! LOL

It is a great feeling though to look at the clock at 10 am and say, wow, I did get something done! And when you have the whole rest of the day to do what you want, suddenly what you want might be continuing with what you've been doing...if that makes sense! And the next day...do nothing. LOL I guess I'm more of an "every-other-day" time-stretcher. :)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I had to laugh at the "every-other-day" time-stretcher. That sounds like me. And maybe we don't want to pull a muscle by trying to do this EVERY day. LOL

I don't mind getting up early in the morning, as long as there's not an alarm screeching at me. But I do naturally gravitate towards the night owl thing, and I don't want to lose my status as a night owl. LOL

But there IS something nice about getting things done early and feeling like you've got the rest of the day at your command!


I am working on building my resistence to the bed. And climbing out it earlier. For one thing, everyone I seem to enjoy blathering with is on east coast time and it I sleep until 10, they've already finished their morning blathering and I miss everything.

But that isn't the only reason why. I just want to get more done in the morning. So, I totally get the need to seperate self from bed.

Though most mornings, my body signals it's had enough and starts to ache if I don't get out of bed.

Yes, my body throws me out of bed.

Yoga sounds good. I need to find something to do! See if I can get the body to stop hurting instead of just getting busy and ignoring the hurt...

Donna Cummings

LOL, Maureen -- yes, my bed throws me out too. Which is a good thing in the winter, since it's more fun to stay cozy under the down comforter. LOL Thank God for coffee, or Lord knows I'd never get moving.

I like getting things done in the morning, but if I were to have a chart showing my progress. . .well, it would be kinda flatlined. LOL

It IS good advice, even if I can't seem to always follow it!

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