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November 26, 2010


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I know Starbucks usually does a coffee thing this time of the year. Buy some coffee for the soldiers and I always do that, but sending a personal card sounds wonderful, Donna. I'll check out the link later today and see what I need to do.

Donna Cummings

Maureen, I definitely like the coffee thing! I just stopped at a local Starbie's and didn't see anything--I'll ask next time I'm there.

I mailed off some cards today at the post office, and felt great at the thought of someone being surprised with some mail. I plan to do some more later, when I've done some more NaNoing.


You know, my Starbucks isn't doing it this year...I need to ask the managers if they stopped doing it for one reason or another... I know with their new Via coffees, it would be so easy to send them off. I think that was what they did last year...

Donna Cummings

Mmm, maybe the soldiers didn't like the Via coffee any better than I do. LOL Or maybe they're doing something else this year. I'm going to ask my local Starbies to see what they might be doing.

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