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December 24, 2010


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I think I missed a few of these...how'd that happen? I will have to catch up. :)

I have lots of favorites; Endora is the perfect personification of a Muse, The Hierarchy of Avoidance is classic, and anything with "crazy" in the title seems to spark my interest! LOL

Great posts! I can't wait to see what you come up with next year! Merry Christmas, Donna. :)


Herarchy of Avoidance anchored ya to the ship, Donna. It was brilliant! I'm still not certain it's possible to Rehabilitate the Inner Critic...I still say toss 'em to the kraken...

But that is a great list! I should do this! ;-)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, Endora IS the perfect depiction, isn't she? LOL I'm glad you've enjoyed my posts, and I hope you'll enjoy whatever my crazy mind comes up with for 2011.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas too. :)

Donna Cummings

Maureen, I should have known the Hierarchy of Avoidance would resonate with pirates. LOL It's a philosophy I've spouted for years, but I'm glad I found just the right audience for it.

I may start throwing the inner critics to the Kraken. In fact, I may make a list of who else to use as appetizers for the beast!

Have a Merry Christmas. And have a safe trip too. :)


I love all your blogs! I'm so glad you decided to join us!!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Hellion! I'm really glad I got to join the pirates too. :)

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