Whenever you see a writer staring out the window, beware. They're plotting and planning and moving words around in their brain like it's part of a complex sudoku puzzle.
But the writer's brain isn't just working on books and blog posts. Even the everyday stuff gets this analytical treatment.
For example, I'm in the process of attempting to sell something on Craig's List for the first time. After going through the angst of figuring out how it works from the seller's side, my brain is focused on how best to write the descriptions.
I am selling shoes, which I adore, so it shouldn't be terribly hard to write a little enticing blurb about them. Seriously. I love shoes. And boots. And flip flops. I haven't really considered getting a legal name change to "Nine West"—but only because I don't want to go through that much paperwork.
I have a tendency to collect too many pairs, as if I'm adopting them from a shoe orphanage run by an evil headmistress, or racing them to a safe house in a hail of bullets after a daring nighttime rescue.
My shoe love is a little skewed right now, because I always want to wear my over-the-knee black suede boots. They are fun, and eye-catching, and they put a little extra sass in my walk when I wear them. I'm not sure I've loved a pair of footwear as much as I have these boots. I'm like the little kid with his first pair of cowboy boots who doesn't want to take them off when it's time for bed. (Note to self: where ARE my cowboy boots anyway? Haven't seen those for a while.)
These boots are my winter love. We all know my summer love is flip flops. I almost feel like one of those bigamists who has a family on both coasts. There's nothing wrong with loving both of my shoe families, is there? Sniff. It doesn't feel wrong.
Other people pick up pennies they see on the ground. I do the same with shoes in the store, although since I actually buy the shoes, it's more expensive to do what I do. If I could get the same thrill—and wear—out of picking up pennies, believe me I would switch in a New York minute.
But now it's time to sell these unused, yet still beloved, boxes of footwear. So I can make room for the new and irresistible items those devilish shoe manufacturers keep producing.
This is where the need for an evocative Craig's List ad comes in.
I want these ankle booties and pumps and scrunch boots to go to a good home, someplace where they are allowed to roam free, and skip, and dance. I need to persuade someone that liberating these shoes from the suffocating boxes stacked in my closet will provide this deserving footwear a second chance to fulfill their shoe-ish destiny.
All I need to do is transfer my passion for footwear into words. Or hope the pictures of the shoes will do their job a thousand times over.
Does anyone else have a love for shoes like I do? Maybe you have another item you accumulate. Come on--spill your secrets!
Oh, now we know your secret vice. Shoes you've never worn? I usually get at least one good blister stroll out of a pair before I decide to let them go!
I do have an overabundance of blank books. You know, when they first came out it was so cool! All those pretty hardbacks waiting for my words! And I'd buy them and scribble a bit, sometimes a lot.
Then I got my first laptop and kept buying the blank books. But I never 'handwrite' anything anymore.
Last year I filled two paper sacks with them and donated them to the local school. What the heck! Someone should get to use them!
Funny thing...I didn't stop buying them.
*shakes head ruefully
Posted by: Maureen | December 06, 2010 at 03:35 PM
I too tried to sell things on Craig's List for the first time recently. It worked for the washer & dryer, but the other stuff was a bust. I'm switching tactics.
I love shoes, but since I can't wear heels anymore (sniff) I don't buy them. I pulled out a pair I bought about four years ago for my holiday party this past weekend. Gold peep-toe with a cute little bow. Look like Cindarella slippers. Somehow, they were a tick too big now. How could my feet have shrunk when I'm 15lbs heavier?!
I'm have serious boot envy with the over-the-knee black ones you describe. Damn, those sound awesome. I bet you and kiddo are about the same size, any of those flats? LOL!
Posted by: Terri Osburn | December 06, 2010 at 03:44 PM
Maureen, I was quite shocked to find out that I had *cough* a few *cough* unworn pairs. In my defense, some of them were packed away, but still. LOL
That's too funny about the blank books. I think I would end up buying a few of those too. Isn't it funny what kinds of things give us comfort? Hopefully your donation will inspire somebody else to get addicted to buying them too! LOL
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 06, 2010 at 03:57 PM
Terri, I can't wear high heels much anymore either, which is why a couple of these are going to have to find somewhere new to live. *sniff* The ankle booties are adorable, laced up the front, patent leather. Waaah. But the heel is too much for me.
Your gold peep-toes sound adorable! I'm jealous. And that IS funny that your feet shrank. Shrunk. Um, got smaller. LOL It's cool though!
I hate winter, so boots are the only thing that keep me somewhat sane, which is why I love my over-the-knee ones so much. I'll try to take a pic for ya. :)
And the only flats I have is a pair of scrunch-type suede boots. I'll email you the pic and see if it's anything the kiddo could use. :)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 06, 2010 at 04:01 PM
I figure kids can use the paper and the guy I gave them to said they make great incentive gifts to keep the kids motivated. Good enough reason for me!
Posted by: Maureen | December 06, 2010 at 04:24 PM
That's awesome they use the books as incentives. And I'm thrilled that the kids CONSIDER blank books to be incentives--that means lots of writers in the future. :)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 06, 2010 at 04:56 PM
This morning when I read this I giggled at the thought of your ad saying, "Needed: Good home for ankle booties, pumps and scrunch boots where they are allowed to roam free, skip, and dance." :) See, you wrote your ad already!
I think I was cured of collecting items when I had my antiques/gift shop, which dangerously gave me permission to accumulate all kinds of things. Do you know how many teapots are out there? A lot. LOL
I try to limit myself these days but do have a thing about roosters. But when someone knows you collect something you wind up getting it as a gift. I've received some well meaning but very ugly roosters though so I've had to say I'm changing my theme. LOL
Posted by: Melissa | December 06, 2010 at 07:31 PM
Melissa, don't be surprised when I really do use that sentence for my ad. LOL Or at least until I find out that nobody wants any of my crazy shoes!
I know what you mean about collecting things when you have a store. It almost gets that "accumulation disorder" out of your system, because you get to buy it for the store--only now you want to SELL it, so you can buy more stuff. LOL
I had to laugh when I thought about some ugly roosters making their way into your collection. LOL You'll have to keep it a secret what your next theme is. :)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 06, 2010 at 07:53 PM
Not a shoe person, but that might be from lack of opportunity. The choices when you wear size 10.5 men's are lackluster, to say the least. :(
Re my own addictions: books, music and cookbooks. I'm fine with the first two, although I do declutter occasionally, but I think I've opened three of the last category all year.
Maybe my cookbooks should hire *you* for an appeal. :)
Posted by: Jan O'Hara | December 06, 2010 at 08:31 PM
Jan, I hardly think books count as an addiction. LOL Those truly are necessities! And I adore cookbooks too, which is incredibly ironic, because I'm not really a fan of cooking. So thanks for reminding me that I should probably cull some of those too. :) (Which means I might not be available for YOUR cookbooks' appeal. LOL)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 06, 2010 at 10:43 PM
I like this post really very informative thanks for sharing
Posted by: Boots Shoes | December 08, 2010 at 01:26 AM
Donna - Scrunch type suede boots would make my child salivate. LOL! I just bought her a pair of suede black up to the knee and she'd sleep in them if I'd let her. (Really, I had to force her to take them off.) And she's up to ladies size 10/11, so no worries about them being too big.
If the ad doesn't work, maybe find a really nice ladies consignment store around there. I'm going to try selling some of my dresses at the one by my new place. I'm sure those brand new shoes would find wonderful new homes.
Posted by: Terri Osburn | December 08, 2010 at 12:27 PM
Terri, I'm glad she has some new boots that she loves! They sound awesome, so it's a good thing you live a few states away--LOL--I won't be stealing down there to get them.
I like the idea of a consignment store. There must be something around here. Mmm. I'll add that to the To Do list (right after "take pics of shoes for the ad". I'm a little behind!)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | December 08, 2010 at 12:54 PM