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December 17, 2010


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Ah, well...Geoffrey rush inspired Captain Alan Silvestri, and after seeing "The Warrior's Way" yesterday, I feel even better I made the right choice! ;-)


Oh! Loved this! I think I spent a perfect hour or so reading this blog...maybe those seamless diversions to the tempting Richard had something to do with it also! :) He is certainly hero worthy inspiration. I may have to borrow him since you are moving on to the next crush. Oh, that's right, you changed your mind. LOL

I should find a real person for inspiration for my hero because I realize my hero for my stories is the nearly the same person physically -- absolutely wonderful, but I might see more differences if I had that visual aid. :)

Donna Cummings

Maureen, I can see where Geoffrey Rush would be the inspiration. :) I haven't seen "The Warrior's Way", so now I'll have to check that out, so I can do a comparison.

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I'm glad you got to enjoy this treat, especially since you're getting a well-deserved break from school right now!

And we can time-share. :) I'm certain our inspiration works different hours, so that should be a good solution!

I don't generally have a real-person inspiration, so this kind of surprised me. I usually combine personality aspects of the people I find appealing, and they somehow turn into something on the page that intrigues me.

But hey, nothing wrong with visual aids! LOL

Terri Osburn

I'm listening to this snippet even while I type. Could you imagine that voice whispering in your ear? *sigh*

Sorry, didn't mean to drool on your blog. *wipes up small puddle*

I don't typically find real people that inspire my heroes, but if I did, it would have to be some unknown I found on the net somewhere. I can't use actors as I'd feel like I was writing that person or herhaps a character they've played, instead of writing the person dancing around in my brain.

But as you say, nothing wrong with visual (or audible) aids.

Donna Cummings

*hands Terri a box of tissues*

Wait. I need one of those for myself now. LOL Yeah, I think I might go a little insane if that voice were whispering in my ear. But hey, wouldn't it be worth it? :)

I know exactly what you mean about not using actors. I typically don't either. And in fact, I'm not doing that here--I don't really visualize my hero as RA. But he definitely inspired something inside my brain. :)

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