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April 01, 2011


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Kari Marie

I agree! The first draft is all about the muse, imagination and forgetting about the rules.

Donna Cummings

Kari Marie -- now for the fun part, slowing down and making sure the story does what I intended it to do when I was racing around!

Terri Osburn

I love this! And I'm actually at this point, at the starting line of a brand new WIP that feels all revved up and new and ready to race. I think ripping off that rearview mirror might be the most important step! LOL!

I also love that feeling when you go back and read your own stuff, look up and think, "Did I really write this? Heh. This is good!" Best. Feeling. Ever.

Good luck on the revisions! Obviously, you have something great to work with. :)

Donna Cummings

Terri, it is a fun analogy, isn't it? I agree about ripping off the rearview mirror -- even if we let it stay there, we're only supposed to GLANCE in it, while keeping our eyes FORWARD. LOL

I definitely love that feeling of reading something and finding out, "Wow! I don't even remember WRITING this!" LOL It does seem magical.

I hope I have something great to work with. I'm definitely feeling some love for this book, which is a good thing as I go in and do some surgery on it. LOL


I love detours! ;-)

Donna Cummings

Maureen, I'm not sure you actually do detours. LOL Your entire trip is a detour!


Ah, but the things I see along the way! ;-)

Donna Cummings

I know what you mean, Maureen. :) I'm taking some detours out of this WIP, because they don't serve the story, but they sure were fun when I wrote them!

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