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May 20, 2011


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hahha - i love the weather analogy about convertible sunny driving and the snowstorm. soooo true!!! I'm going to remember that one.:)

Donna Cummings

Jenn, I'm glad you liked it. :) Right now I wonder if I'll ever get to see sun again. I keep telling myself all this rain is not as bad as snow. Sigh.

Okay, back to these revisions. . .even though they've got that murderous gleam in their eyes. LOL

Kari Marie

This is so true! I loved the line "But I have to admit, revising has its terrifying moments, when it seems the more you fix, the less you accomplish."

I think I'm there right now! Thanks for the workable advice.

Donna Cummings

Kari Marie, I sympathize! It's frightening when it looks like your manuscript is scattered all over the floor, while you're frantically searching for the instruction sheet. LOL It does come back together, even if it doesn't seem like it will. :)

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