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June 13, 2011


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Well, they say to keep the brain working well as you age, it's best to challenge it with new problems. Somehow, I seem to do that to it regularly... So different is good!

Donna Cummings

I hadn't thought about the "keeping sharp" aspect of it, but you're so right. It's mental exercise. :) So our brains can't get flabby. LOL


So true about new challenges being a different kind of hard! If someone asked me what writing project has been the toughest, I'd say it's the one I'm working on now. It seems true for everything else in life too.

I've noticed that too about thinking the new writing project should be easier since it's been done before. To use your map analogy, flexibility sure helps for creating different routes when we find out that the straight path on the old map now has a shopping mall in the way! LOL

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I have a theory. . .LOL I always have a theory, and I may have said this a zillion times before, but I think our brain subconsciously chooses a story that's a little bit outside our skillset. So the story we're working on will ALWAYS be the most challenging one!

And I love your addition to the map analogy. :) We need a writing GPS sometimes, don't we? I think flexibility, and adaptability, are the keys to success, writing and otherwise.

Kari Marie

I can always tell when I need to push the learning envelope because I just start to get restless after a while with no mental anguish. I don't mean anguish really. Just - you know. Growth. I start dreaming up new things to try. I guess I'm looking to challenge myself in new ways.

Donna Cummings

Kari Marie, restless is a good description. I don't think our bodies or our brains are comfortable staying in the same spot for too long, so we get pushed into doing something that makes us grow. It seems like it would be nice to stay still, but I think we like the challenges. :)

Liz Fichera

To get good at anything, you have to practice. Writing is no different, even though it seems like it sometimes.

And, girlfriend, law school?! I have friends who went to law school and, from what I've heard, that kind of training is akin to boot camp. Go, you!

Donna Cummings

Liz, you're right about practice, and thank goodness my characters entertain me, so it doesn't FEEL like practice. Not exactly.

Law school was not fun. LOL It was so long ago though, that I've kind of forgotten how unfun it was. It didn't kill me, so I guess it made me stronger. Or more stubborn!

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