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September 05, 2011


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Donna: another story is forming, building strength as it heads my direction, with another one behind it, in an endless succession

I have never seen the writing process compared to weather patterns before Donna. You make it sound really exciting.

It's well known that weather has chaotic phases ... the flap of a butterfly's wing in Beijing causing a hurricane to hit New York.

In this case, Chaos is a technical term whereby a system evolves according to deterministic laws but the sensitivity to initial conditions means that the outcome is unpredictable with any finite computer.

That makes sense to me. The woman author's mind is like a chaotic weather pattern and quite unpredictable by mere finite male minds.

I already knew that ..... intuitively! *LOL*

Donna Cummings

Q, I don't know if it's exciting, but I'd realized a long time ago that ideas seem to form in the same way that tropical storms/hurricanes do. I just don't know that they wreak the same havoc as violent weather does. LOL

And I like your definition of "chaos", and how it focuses on unpredictability (with good reason). I suppose my writer's mind seems unusual, by anyone's standards. LOL But now that I can explain why chaotic is a good thing, I'm happy! Thanks for that. :)


Great post! Unfortunately at this moment my writing is more like a leaking faucet. I don't know which is more dangerous! I guess that love/fear thing of the writing hurricane is that same feeling we had as kids standing on the porch trying to keep our nerver as thunderstorms rolled in. It's not for the faint of heart but, I agree, it's addictive!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, SG! I can sympathize with the leaking faucet -- mine seems sporadic lately too. And I guess it's that unpredictability that keeps us hooked, in so many areas of life. Definitely not for the faint of heart!

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