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September 12, 2011


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Donna,I can understand the guilt feelings when you enjoy yourself reading.

I have had similar feelings when enjoying myself walking in the hills, thinking that I should be back at my desk. I always tell people that I get my best ideas when relaxed on the tops, with that stimulating 'back to nature' environment. No-one can prove me wrong! *grin*

I can even select a quiet remote spot to relax and pull a book from my rucksack.
I hope that it might be one of yours soon.

Though I'm just as likely to doze off,
dreaming of fabulous equations and ........

Yes I agree, reading is most definitely a luxurious necessity!

Donna Cummings

Q, isn't it funny how we can feel guilty about something that is so beneficial to us? LOL It's probably why I have to keep insisting to people, "No, seriously, when I'm staring out the window, I'm really WORKING". :)

I think that dozing off is just as productive. My brain seems to work just as hard when I'm sleeping (which may be why I wake up so tired lately -- it better be working on some masterpieces!)

I hope you'll be able to take one of my books from your rucksack soon too. I love the thought of it being enjoyed in that way. :)

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