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September 16, 2011


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Samantha Hunter

I'm with you, Donna -- I need this, too. I had the writing like play thing going well for the last week or so, and I wrote tons, and it felt easy and fun (and actually held together pretty well, I think) and then life intervened, and I lost momentum, and I started putting too much pressure on it.

Thanks for the reminder!


Donna Cummings

Sam, it's good that you had the "write like play" going on, so you can recognize it -- it makes it easier to reclaim it. :) We do put a lot of pressure on ourselves, especially if it feels like it's "too easy". But I definitely think we need to make it fun again.

carrie spencer

OOOooooo...that's how I love to write. First draft, bam bam bam. I do try to keep a few things in my head...(very few mind you) like conflict and somewhere there's supposed to be an HEA, but definitely, the first draft just pours out....it's that crazy revising thing that drives me bonkers!

Donna Cummings

Carrie, I love first drafts like that too. I think that's why I'm such a fan of NaNo (which is less than 2 months away!) Revising is harder since I have to slow down and make sure I'm not missing anything, which is when the pesky IC starts to get cranky and finicky.

So I guess that means we have to enjoy flying through the fun part, right? :)


Great reminder, Donna! I've been having so much fun with my WIP, which seems to get more steadily wacky with every chapter. I'm just letting the characters do their thing. I write best when I don't know what's going to happen next, and that doesn't mix well with the internal editor. The internal editor wants to know how every cotton-pickin' thing in the book relates to every single other thing. Dude! Relax! I haven't even written the STORY yet!

Donna Cummings

Ruthie, it sounds like your internal editor and mine are twins separated at birth. Aaaugh! They gotta settle down and wait their turn. LOL

I also prefer to write not knowing what's gonna happen next. Or if I have an idea, it's pretty vague, and the characters surprise me with little bits of info that make the story more intriguing. It's as if I'm reading it as I'm writing it!

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