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November 28, 2011


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I don't know very much about American football, but understand and love the analogy.

I would add that after each book you should not be discouraged by sales figures. You need to identify your strengths and the ideas and features of your writing that resonate with readers.

In this way you can avoid a 'scatter gun' approach to writing and focus your efforts relentlessly so that each book sharpens that resonance further and homes in towards that target best seller.

Finally, as soccer and opera fans say 'It ain't never over till the fat lady sings' *smile*

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Q. And how did you know I was thinking about sales figures? LOL It's exciting to see the stats showing how many people look at my story, and even more thrilling to see it getting purchased.

The best, of course, is when you get a review from someone who has read it -- that way you know for certain what resonated with a reader, because they tell you specifically. :)

Fortunately I have a lot of stories to tell, some of them written, some of them waiting their turn. Hopefully readers will find them enjoyable too.


Great analogy! I keep trying to pick my favorite point, but they all fit so well. I think I'm working on #3 right now, trying something different with the shorter story. It's kind of like a third down after two downs of ground battles got me closer to the goal. I might as well just go for it with an unexpected pass or just jump over the pack. :)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I was kind of excited when I kept getting these analogy ideas in my head while watching the game. It was amazing how well they fit the writing journey. LOL

And I like the "ground battles" phrase. Might need to steal that one! Trying something different is always a good choice. It refreshes the brain, and ramps up the enthusiasm!

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