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March 19, 2012


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Lorraine Paton

I know what you mean about having a FB page and all those other social media bits. I've had a FB personal profile for a long time, but only recently created a page. I still don't really have a good handle on it. I was a late convert to Twitter, but love it... and don't even talk about Google+, Pinterest, etc. LOL.

Donna, have you heard of the Lucky 7 meme? Well, I've tagged you. You can find details on my blog if you're interested in participating. :)

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, I have signed up for Pinterest, but haven't done much there yet. I'm a little afraid I'll get sucked into there and never return. LOL I did like your FB page. :)

I got tagged for the Lucky 7 meme yesterday, but hadn't posted anything yet. I was just thinking I didn't have 7 people left to tag. LOL I might be a rulebreaker -- big surprise! -- and post tomorrow, as part of my Friday Fave.

Thanks for including me. :)

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