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March 11, 2012


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Silver James

Donna! Welcome to 6 Sentence Sunday! I love the beginning of this book. I snorffled coffee, and you *know* what that means! ;)

Are you familiar with Toni McGee Causey? She wrote the hilarious Bobbie Faye books (Bobbie Faye's Very (very, very, very) Bad Day was the original title of the 1st book but the publisher re-released it as Charmed and Dangerous). Your opening reminded me a lot of Toni's work. Well done, lady!

Donna Cummings

Silver, thanks for the compliments (especially the coffee snorffling -- LOL -- here's a refill for ya).

And I'm a big fan of Toni McGee Causey's books--so I'm thrilled to be compared with her. :)

I can't wait to check out your sentences too!


Welcome to SSS! Great one out of the gate with a nice opening hook! Those are so hard to do, so great job! Definitely makes me want to keep reading and I like her voice!

Kate Warren

That first line is a huge winner! Can't wait to read more!

Donna Cummings

Angelaquarles, thank you for the warm welcome! I'm so glad you like the hook, and the voice. I'm glad I decided to join the Six Sentence fun. :)

Donna Cummings

Kate, thanks for the compliments--I really appreciate it!

Joya Fields

Awesome excerpt, Donna! What a great beginning. It shows us so much about your heroine in a very short space. Congrats! My first SSS, too. We're not virgins anymore. LOL. :)

Heather Boyd

Nice first six sunday post. Made me smile.

Donna Cummings

Joya, thanks so much. I'm glad we were SSS virgins together! LOL

Donna Cummings

Heather, I'm so happy I brought a smile to your face. :)

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