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March 25, 2012


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Angela Quarles

LOVE it! From the minister using tulle as a shield (LOL!) to her closing thoughts! I love humor in my romance, are your other books like this? Am assuming this one isn't out yet...

Paula Martin

Fascinating and funny too! Love line about her dress.

Donna Cummings

Angela, I'm glad you liked it. All of my books have humor in them -- I can't seem to write them any other way. LOL I think this one is one of the funniest, thanks to Shelby's personality.

I'm thinking I might self-pub this one. We'll see. :)

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Paula. And we've all had those kinds of bridesmaid dresses. LOL So it was fun to have her deal with it too.

Linda Morris

Funny six! Great stuff here, about the tulle, the ugly drss, and wedding-hating. I'll have to check this out.

Christine Warner

Loved your description and your last line! Enjoyed these six :)

Monica Epstein

Very, very well done. I'm ready to read the entire book. (I just learned about 6-sentence Sunday, and I'm enjoying my first romp!)

Gayle Ramage

A different type of 'shotgun' wedding. Fab stuff!

Kate Warren

That last line cracked me up! Fantastic six! Donna, if you want any info about options for self-pubbing I'd be happy to help.

Ceri Hebert

I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not, but the last two sentences were pretty funny. Loved it!

Donna Cummings

Linda and Christine, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Monica, welcome to Six Sentence Sunday! I just started a couple weeks ago, and it's been lots of fun.

Donna Cummings

Gayle, yes, it is a different type of shotgun wedding. LOL

Ceri, it's perfectly fine to laugh. :) In fact, I'm glad you did!

Donna Cummings

Kate, thank you -- that is very generous of you. I've actually self-pubbed two things, and I think this will be a good candidate for that as well, based on everyone's wonderful reactions. :) Now to find a cover that will perfectly display the romantic comedy aspect of gunfire at a wedding. LOL

Denny S. Bryce

Totally love your six. Excellent.

Lorraine Paton

Fabulous six! Intense, humorous and a great description too. :) Loved it.

Donna Cummings

Denny and Lorraine, thank you both so much. I'm glad you enjoyed my six. :)

Heather Boyd

Despite the seriousness of the situation, I love the humor in the last line. Great six.

Pippa Jay

Wow, someone REALLY hates weddings!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Heather. I'm glad you liked it.

Pippa -- it sure looks that way, doesn't it? LOL

Silver James

OMG, Donna! I am laughing so hard. This is perfect snark on the heroine's part!

Sorry I'm so late commenting. Was out of wifi range yesterday and just now getting caught up with my SSS favorites! FYI? I. WANT. THIS. BOOK. Like...NOW! ;)

Donna Cummings

Silver, I'm glad you're laughing so hard! The heroine is a lot of fun. Anytime you need to read the whole thing, just let me know. :)

And I hate when there's no wifi available. I'm meant to be connected 24/7, even when I'm sleeping. LOL I shudder to think of not being able to cruise around the internet!

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