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March 16, 2012


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Wow. You've brought up lots of things on "review etiquette" that I hadn't thought about, but I'm so glad you're bringing them up.

As a reader (of the review) I wouldn't expect to see an author reply and I think I agree that it would seem odd to know the author was, as you say, "waiting in the wings." You'd think a thank-you could never get you in trouble, but in an open reader's forum, I think a well-meaning thank you by the author could do more harm than good. As a reader that reads the comments with a degree of trust in an unbiased opinion, the lack of distance inferred from the author's comment could be seen as an intrusion.

I think you're handling it just right to send the reviewer a private thank you, which is more personal.

Also, what you've already done by publicly referring the reader to the reviewer's site is a form of thank you.

Thanks for addressing this when to say thank-you issue! I hope some day I'll have to think about it from "the other side." :)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, it's something I've been thinking about lately. Originally I had planned to NOT comment on review blogs, but then I saw a few other writers who had left a "thank you" type comment, and wondered if I should have done the same. And soon afterwards I saw a book blogger mention how she liked hearing what authors thought about her reviews.

So it left me feeling like I might do the wrong thing when my intention was to do the right thing! LOL

I appreciate your thoughts on the topic. I feel better already. :)


If the author has been invited to take part in a blog/review and has accepted then I think it is bad form not to comment, otherwise there is no obligation whatsoever IMO. A private thank you to the reviewer is a most graceful response.

For me the most enjoyable blogs occur when an author is invited to discuss one of her books. This used to be a regular feature on the Eloisa James site and everyone knew in advance which book would be discussed.

I often read the book in advance and when it appealed to me would ask questions and make comments. The insights into the author's processes and the resulting clarification was very rewarding. I also felt that when the author had relaxed and knew that she was among friends and admirers, then she would 'let her hair down' and provide many fascinating insights into her writing.

As Eloisa is so famous I think it was quite prestigious to appear on her 'book of the month' event and some superb authors accepted invitations. Chatting with Jane Anne Krentz for example was amazing.

Sadly this feature has been lost, and the romance universe is poorer as a result IMO!

Having said all that I don't actually read many reviews. I sometimes read reader's comments on sites where I purchase ... mainly Amazon, but rarely visit 'Goodreads' and other book sites. I rely on Janga to review the best. LOL

Good to see you back in your personal Blog chair Donna.

I've missed you these past few days. *smile*

Donna Cummings

Q, I've missed you too!. In fact, I was wondering if I'd chased you off. LOL It's tricky trying to get the word out about the promotional things and still have posts about writing-related items. I almost need two blogs. :) *faints at the thought of that*

I agree with commenting when you've been invited to do a blog, and I definitely comment--a LOT. I find it fun to engage with the blog visitors and I always learn so much.

I love the book-club event you mentioned. It's exciting to hear authors talk about their books, and the writing process.

There's actually a group on Goodreads that Janga and Manda Collins moderate, that is meant to take up where the EJ board left off. Each month a different book is read (Manda's debut book was the February one), and people can discuss it via comments the entire month.

And Janga has added WAY too many books to my TBR pile. LOL She's awesome.

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