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April 29, 2012


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Great six. Maybe she should back herself into the open doorway of the refrigerator to try to cool down, too. LOL


Detective Sexy Pants! Love it. This one sounds like fun. :)

Donna Cummings

Heather, LOL -- she might need to jump right into the fridge for an hour or so.

Ruth -- thanks -- Shelby made this a fun book to write. :)

Kate Warren

Forget the fridge, she needs to spend some time in the freezer! Fantastic six, Donna!

Donna Cummings

Kate, you're so right. LOL She's having a hard time keeping cool.

Angela Quarles

Loved the trick birthday candle bit! This was a fun 6!


Great six! Love the turmoil and the candals comparison is perfect.

Jenny Hickman

Your six never disappoint! I continue to enjoy them. This snippet received more than a couple chuckles from me!

Patricia Preston

Loved your six! Especially the retire early part!


I too like Detective Sexy Pants . . . er, Detective Nichols. And I love the image of the trick birthday candles. Very evocative.

Silver James

Great imagery here, Donna. And I LOVE this line:

Once I was done with Detective Sexy Pants, he'd be lucky if he didn't have to retire early with a disability pension.

You continue to crack me up, though I'm not surprised, funny lady!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Angela!

Melinda, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Jenny, I'm so happy to hear you're still enjoying these. The presure is on! LOL

Paula Martin

Great six, love the garden hose and the trick candle!

Donna Cummings

Patricia, I'm a little partial to that part too. LOL

LMorrisWriter -- we'll have to scuffle for Detective Sexy Pants. LOL Glad you like him. :)

Silver, it makes me feel good that I'm cracking you up! You picked out one of my fave lines too.

Donna Cummings

Paula, I think we were typing at the same time. LOL Glad to hear you like these. :)

Lorraine Paton

LOL! I love these six! That must have been some interlude! :D

Sandra Nachlinger

There are so many things I like about this.
I love Detective Sexy Pants.
And your comparison of her heat to a birthday candle that won't go out is clever and original.
I enjoy your voice too -- conversational, casual.
Terrific post!

Donna Cummings

Lorraine -- the interlude definitely left an impression. LOL I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Sandra -- thanks for all the nice compliments! I appreciate it, and I'm happy you stopped by.

Wildcats Wife

I giggled when I read, "Detective Sexy Pants!" Okay, this totally should be the title of your book. Love your six!


Great work, and I agree..the title should be Detective Sexy Pants ...LOVE IT!

Donna Cummings

Wildcats Wife -- LOL -- if I need to change the title, I'll have that one ready to go!

Alix -- you're casting a vote for that one too! Glad you liked the six. :)

Tonya Burrows

Yes, more Shelby & Ryan! Love the Detective Sexy Pants line. I can't wait to see what you have for us next Sunday!

Donna Cummings

Tonya -- I'm glad you like Shelby and Detective Sexy Pants. :) Although I was thinking of showcasing something different next week. . .we'll see.

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