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May 27, 2012


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Tonya Burrows

Love, love, love Gabriel. *swoon*

Joya Fields

Cute! I love that he has a cheerful response. :)

Linda Morris

He's kinda cocky, isn't he? Also love that he's hiding in plain sight by attending a masquerade in his highwayman clothes. Great six!

Jenny Hickman

Seeing as I've loved every snippet you've posted, it looks like this is going to have to be my next poolside read!

Donna Cummings

Tonya, LOL -- I'm glad you find him swoon-y. :)

Joya, his cheerful response is what gets me every time. LOL

Linda, yes, he is indeed cocky -- who else would hide in plain sight like that? LOL

Jenny -- aw thanks. I hope you'll find it an enjoyable read. :)

Lorraine Paton

Loved this scene in your book! Gabriel's confidence is so sexy. :) And your "private brothel ball" has all kinds of images going through my mind. ;)

Patricia Preston

Love that he showed up as a highwayman. How perfect!

Wildcats Wife

I'm flushed with anticipation. Romantic six! His arrogance and her lack of it, makes for a scandalous encounter.

Angela Quarles

Sigh. That was such a great scene. If you have not bought this book, do it now, you won't regret it :)

S. J. Maylee

A scandal, intimate moments, oh my, no wonder she's not thinking clearly :) lovely 6


Wonderfully romantic, truly lovely to read. Thank you.

Cate Masters

Gabriel sounds like a fun hero. Looking forward to reading how he helps her escape!

Kate Warren

Have I mentioned that I love this story? Yes, but I'm sure I can keep loving it and you won't mind. ;) I've always wanted to go to a masquerade ball.

Silver James

Gabriel is definitely swoon-worthy! This is on the top of my Buy It Now list, as soon as my check comes in the first of the month!

Paula Martin

Great six. Look forward to find ou how he helps her to escape.

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, thank you -- I think confidence is a very sexy attribute. :)

Patricia, he might as well get some use out of that sexy highwayman gear. LOL

Wildcat, that's a great description -- his arrogance and her lack of it causing the scandal. I like that!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Angela! I hope everyone else enjoys it as much as you did. :)

S. J. -- yes, plenty of reasons for clouded judgment. LOL

Alix, I'm glad you found it romantic. :)

Cate, I may be partial, but I think Gabriel is a fun hero!

Donna Cummings

Kate, I definitely don't mind you mentioning that you love this story. LOL I think a masquerade would be wonderful too--maybe that's why it found its way into this book. :)

Thanks, Silver -- I should just have my paycheck direct deposited into the B&N Nook section, because there are so many books I *need* right now!

Paula -- thanks so much!

Mae Clair

Yum . . . sandalwood scent, highwayman, masquerade ball, twirling around the dance floor. Deliciously described.

Teresa Cypher

:-D <------- Bif smile. I know where this is going! And I love it. Great six, Donna! :-)

Teresa Cypher

That is a "big" smile :-)

Donna Cummings

Mae, I'm glad you liked the description. :)

Teresa, thanks for the big smile!

Heather Boyd

Ooh, I love it when they dance as if they are alone. Great six

Monica Enderle Pierce

A rogue through and through. Very romantic six!

Joyce Scarbrough

God, I love an arrogant hunk. Really enjoyed this six!

Kate Meader

Sorry I'm late to the game - a holiday weekend will do that! This snippet is so delicious I have to add the whole thing to my TBR...

Donna Cummings

Heather, I love it too, when the world shrinks to just the two of them. :)

Monica, yes, he is definitely a rogue. LOL

Joyce, I'm glad you liked him!

Kate, I'm honored to be added to your TBR list. :)

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