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June 11, 2012


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The power of deadlines is indeed awesome.

I think that I have a built in clock in my brain which automatically adjusts my rate of work and adrenaline levels to match the 'must meet' deadlines. These might be reports, conference papers, seminars and so on.

So I agree that setting future deadlines might help. But you have to believe that there will be horrid penalties for not meeting the deadlines or they won't have the desired effect.

Just as its easy to let deadlines slip if there are no penalties it's also easy to postpone self-imposed penalties. So perhaps you need a friend to help out with imposing the penalties. To spank you when you don't make it! LOL

Donna Cummings

Q, deadlines are incredibly powerful, which is why I decided I better put them to work for me. LOL And you're SO right about having horrid penalties for not meeting the deadline -- but I think if you threaten to take away my coffee, that would work just as well as your method. LOL

Kate Warren

I know what you mean about time disappearing. This summer seems to be mysteriously connected to a black hole somewhere in the universe as I have no idea where the time is going, but going it is.

I'm a pantser who has always resisted schedules, yet life has conspired against me and given me children who need them.

I'm going to make a fall resolution (no use trying for summer, and New Year's is too far off), to do exactly what you have done and plot out my productive time.

Donna Cummings

Kate, I actually feel much better now that I know this time seepage is happening everywhere! I have a strong resistance to schedules, probably because my life has required me to follow them too much. LOL But I'm developing a strong resistance to the panic and chaos that results when I don't have the time I need. Here's to our Fall Resolutions (and all of that extra time we'll get!)

Jamie Ayres

LOL . . . it's hard not to check Twitter throughout the day. I try to keep it to opening it once a day but it never works. Yay for your accomplishments pile . . . just hopping over to say hi from Angela Quarles's blog tag:)

Donna Cummings

Jamie, thanks for stopping by! Today's accomplishment pile isn't as high as I'd like it to be. LOL But I can't blame Twitter. For once. Although some days I'm glad I have to go to work, just to keep me away from tweeting all day. LOL

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