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June 15, 2012


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Tonya Burrows

Haha, thanks for the tag! This is fun stuff :-)

Linda Morris

Thanks for the tag! And I love your excerpt. Very poignant.

Donna Cummings

Tonya and Linda, thanks for playing along! Glad you liked the excerpt. :)


Ooh, emotional!! Thanks for the tag and the coffee:)

Kate Warren

That's wonderful! He should feel like a heel now. I hope he hugs her in the next paragraph.

Donna Cummings

Rachel, you're welcome -- and the coffee is always on!

Kate, he hugs her in the very next sentence. :)

Angela Quarles

Great snippet! I could feel his emotional distress. When will this be out?

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Angela. I'm aiming for the end of July. We'll find out how good my aim is. LOL


Thanks for the tag, Donna! And I love that snippet from LORD WASTREL.

Donna Cummings

Melissa, thanks for playing! Your snippet gave me chills. :)

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