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June 24, 2012


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Jenny Hickman

Your words painted quite a picture! I can visualize this scene down to the minute details--and can sympathize with her about the need for sunblock! :)

Rachel Kall

I love that cover. Can't wait to read it:)

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Jenny -- and I'm sure sunblock was invented for me so I wouldn't turn into a lobster. LOL

Rachel, I hope you enjoy it!

Linda Morris

Hmm, the tube of sunscreen seems like it's a metaphor for something. What could it be? Great, funny six as usual.

Lisa Fox

Oh my, she needs to be more gentle with the sunscreen...

Patricia Preston

She needs to lay it on thick....Hmm. I do so love the dog in this book. Makes me want to get dog.

Angela Quarles

Great snippet! Love the last line! (And I already have a copy)

Donna Cummings

Linda -- LOL -- thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.

Lisa, she's got more strength than she realized. LOL

Patricia, I've thought I wanted a dog too. Then I remember how he chews up shoes!

Angela, thanks -- and I'm glad you've got a copy. :)


I love your sense of fun, wonderful writing!

Virginia Kelly

Okay, I'm wondering if the last line is a metaphor, too. :-) Very nice 6.

Cara Bristol

Good detail. Very descriptive.

Joya Fields

LOL, what would Freud say about that sunscreen squirt? haha! Nice six. :)

Elin Gregory

Watch she doesn't slide off the lawn chair! LOL, nice six.

WIldcats Wife

I love what is going on with the tube of sunscreen!! Fun detail woven into a flirty snippet. Great!

S. J. Maylee

Her first fling! oh boy, that tube is in trouble, lol. Wonderful 6!

Tonya Burrows

Wow if that tube of sunscreen isn't a metaphor for what she really wants to squeeze, I don't know what it... lol! That's just plain awesome.

Silver James

Hellboy? LOL! I've know a few cats who should have been named that, but never a puppy. Too funny! And I love metaphors. Heck yeah, I'd love to read this now that I've finished with Contest Reading Mania(tm). I'm a Kindle girl.

Gemma Parkes

Yes, we all know that wonderful feeling of thinking about someone all day and night! Great imagery!

Kimberly K. Comeau

Donna, thank you so much for the opportunity to read your book. I enjoyed this excerpt. I'd love an ecopy of Summer Lovin'!

Kate Warren

Great six! And may I just say...ooh, ooh! Me, me, I want a copy!

Paula Martin

Great six, love her thoughts.

Babette James

Fun six and cute cover! I'd love to read a copy.

Donna Cummings

Alix, thanks!

Virginia, it could be a metaphor. LOL

Thanks, Cara. :)

LOL, Joya -- I'm sure he'd say plenty!

Elin -- I hadn't thought about her sliding off the chair. Too funny!

Donna Cummings

Wildcats Wife, I like the "flirty snippet" description. :)

S. J., it's a fling she'll never forget!

LOL, Tonya -- glad you liked it. :)

Silver, I'm glad you survived the contest reading! I've sent you a coupon for your free copy -- hope you enjoy it.

Donna Cummings

Gemma, yes, that's exactly it -- when you can't keep your thoughts on what you're supposed to be doing!

Kimberly, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The coupon has been sent to you!

Kate, I know you've gotten your coupon, and I hope you enjoy Hellboy and Mia and Luke. :)

Thanks, Paula!

Babette, your coupon has been sent, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

Lorraine Paton

LOL - that must have been some thought! :)

Donna Cummings

She had a lot on her mind. LOL

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