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June 03, 2012


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Wildcats Wife

Can he come over to my place? I have suds for him to rinse off! Cute writing. Cute subject matter!

E. P. Beaumont

Idle minds... come up with interesting ideas. :)

Donna Cummings

Wildcat -- he can COOK too! LOL We'll have to share him.

E.P. -- well, technically dogsitting is work, so she's not really idle. LOL

Jenny Hickman

Personally, I'd enjoy a description of what it was like as he bent to pick up that hose! ;) hehe Great six, Donna!


I love her description of his car-washing. Gave me a great visual. (Well, besides the obvious reason why a hot guy washing a car is a great visual, you also did a great job of painting the picture.) Good six!

Donna Cummings

Jenny -- LOL -- darn those six sentence limitations! I have to leave out all the good stuff. :)

LMorris -- Thanks -- I'm glad you liked my visuals. :)

S. J. Maylee

So stinkin cute and she even hides behind a puppy. Lovely 6 & congrats on the sale!!

Tonya Burrows

Ohhh, he can come over and wash my car ANY DAY. Yum.

Karla Doyle

Can he hear her? I wonder...I have a feeling maybe he can. ;) Cute six, Donna.

Silver James

CONGRATS ON THE SALE, girl! WTG!!!! And I'm so hoping he's hearing every freaking word of her commentary. ;) Fun six to start the summer.

Joya Fields

Awesome post. Hot and steamy and makes me want to watch park my car across from a car wash. LOL. Congrats on the sale!!

Karyn Good

Loved the 'wax on, wax off' line!! Great six! And sounds like a great summer read!

Kate Meader

OMG, this sounds like such a great story! Hunky car-washing stud, voyeurism, a cute dog, and that cover is divine. Another for the summer reading TBR...

Kate Warren

Very cute six. I love the burying her face in the puppy's fur.

Suzan Butler

Very cute! I wish I had a neighbor like that!

Elin Gregory

*sigh* I could watch work like that all day. Nice 6.

Monica Enderle Pierce

I bet I know what she wants him to wax next.... Fun six. And congrats on your sale!

Mae Clair

Well, that's just adorable and giggly cute. What a fun and yummy six! :)

Angela Quarles

This whole story is a lot of fun! I remember loving this scene here a lot :) I like how he pauses and reader is left to wonder if he heard...


Oh, lord. He's going to turn out to be listening, isn't he? Lovely six -- enjoyed the view.

Cara Bristol

Great description. I expect this heats up quite a bit!

Patricia Preston

I love this story and the dog is precious.

Donna Cummings

Thanks everyone -- your comments made me smile, and it was fun to see where you thought it was headed. It was also great to hear from those of you who have read the whole story. :)

And thanks on the congrats for the sale. That obviously makes me happy too!

Paula Martin

Great six, I love how she's talking to the dog.

Joyce Scarbrough

Hunk watching is definitely one of my favorite summer pasttimes. Actually spring, fall and winter too! ;-)

Loved these six!

Lorraine Paton

Sounds like a good neighbour to have! :) Hmmm... did he hear her?

Donna Cummings

Hunk watching is a great year-round activity, isn't it? LOL Even better when the hunk is right next door!

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