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July 02, 2012


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Karla Doyle

Congrats, Donna! Paper or no paper, it's official...enjoy the moment!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Karla -- I'm definitely enjoying the moment. It's a great excuse to indulge in more coffee! LOL

Elin Gregory

Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you. :)

Donna Cummings

Thanks so much, Elin!


Congrats, Donna!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Melissa! :)

Tonya Burrows

Congrats! So excited for you! It's a good feeling, isn't it?


So dreams really do come true!

Congrats Donna ..... well deserved.

Have a coffee on me! *smile*

Donna Cummings

Tonya, it really is a great feeling -- I know you've done this recently too, and I'm excited for you. :)

Q, I'm having coffee right now! How did you know? LOL Thanks for the congrats, and all the support. :)

Kate Warren

Congratulations, Donna!

Donna Cummings

Thanks so much, Kate!

Lorraine Paton

Woo hoo! Congratulations! :)

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, thanks for woo hoo-ing with me. :)

Mae Clair

Huge, congrats, Donna! I'm late in seeing this post but am sooo excited for you. AWESOME!

Donna Cummings

Mae, thanks for the huge congrats. I'm really happy and excited about it, and it's been so fun sharing it with my friends here. :)

Angela Quarles

Yay Donna! I'm so excited for you! You deserve it!!!

Donna Cummings

Angela, thanks so much! Lots of excitement going on. :)

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