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July 01, 2012


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Heather Boyd

Great excuse to wear pom pom socks! LOL Your six made me smile.

Donna Cummings

Heather, I'm glad to hear I made you smile. :)

Lisa Fox

Those do sound like happy socks!

Rachel Kall

This sounds hilariously cute!

Donna Cummings

Lisa, very happy socks, although not very manly. LOL

Rachel, it was a fun story to write. I hope it makes people laugh, in a good way!

Patricia Preston

Sounds like another fun story! Love the part she made up about his socks.

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Patricia -- she makes up a lot of kooky stuff. LOL

Linda Morris

Smiley face socks with pompoms--that has to put a dent in Matt's male ego. Funny six!

Virginia Kelly

You've provided my smile for the day. A very Big Smile :-) Lovely!

Mae Clair

OMG, the premise behind this ROCKS. I love the whole idea and the snippet was delightful fun. You have another winnter, Donna!

Mac Crowne

I love this premise. Sounds like a blast!

Kate Meader

Oh, this sounds like so much fun! I love this set up, especially when hijinks and hilarity ensues.

S. J. Maylee

Congrats again, Donna!!
Love the blurb, your story sounds like a lot of fun
This 6 made me giggle. Looking forward to reading more 6s of this one

Silver James

Congrats on the sale and release date. I'll definitely have to snag this one next spring! You had me snorfling coffee so hard I scared the Coffee Fae. ;) Wonderful six!

Kate Warren

These two sound incredibly fun! April you say? I shall mark my calendar. :)

Jenny Hickman

They would make me happy too! Really enjoyed this six--as usual, Donna!

Donna Cummings

Linda, yes, exactly -- she had a lot of fun tweaking that male ego of his.

Virginia, I'm so happy I gave you a big smile. :)

Mae, thanks so much -- you made my day!

Mac, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Kate, there's definitely hijinks and hilarity. LOL

Donna Cummings

S.J., I love to provide giggles. :)

Silver, it's a good day when I can get you to snorfle coffee! Send the Coffee Fae over here and I'll calm them down. LOL

Kate, don't worry about marking your calendar. I'll be yakking about it constantly when it's time!

Jenny, glad you enjoyed it!

Angela Quarles

Oh God I have to wait until April to read this whole thing? Excellent 6 as usual, made me LOL!

So she knows who he is, but he doesn't know she knows who he is, is that right?

Donna Cummings

Angela, yes! You just gave a perfect synopsis. LOL It's hard to describe this story, but that was awesome. :)

Wildcats Wife

Does she not know what he looks like? If she saw him on train and tells him she's dating him and all. This sounds adorable and cute. I like that he's going to play along with her, really revs up the humor!

Donna Cummings

Wildcat, it's kind of complicated. LOL She doesn't realize who he is when she goes up to him to break the ice with the plan to tell him three things about herself, with one of them being a lie. And then when it's his turn, one of his "lies" is that he's the famous baseball player. And that's when she realizes who he is, and he's trying to hide in plain sight. :)

So they're both playing along. LOL

Karla Doyle

What a fantastic premise, Donna! Sounds like there'll be lots of humor to go with the sexy in this story. I'm looking forward to reading the whole thing. :)

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Karla -- it's so great to hear you say that! I'm looking forward to sharing it. :)

Elin Gregory

This is terrific. And I so want a pair of those socks.

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Elin -- I wouldn't mind some of those socks too. LOL

Lorraine Paton

LOL - great premise! Love the humor in your six! :)

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, I'm glad it made you laugh. :)

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