Yesterday I was tapping away at the keyboard, and I glanced out the window, which everyone knows is an essential part of the writing/brainstorming process. I saw a mommy deer walking past the driveway, followed by two baby deer. The baby deer were adorable, as you would expect, and they were actually frolicking, obviously happy to be outside on such a nice day and getting to play.
I jumped up to get my camera. I had recently charged the battery so I not only knew where the camera was, but that it was good to go.
By the time I got it, though, the deer had moved far enough away that I couldn't get their picture through the window. I decided to go outside, around the house, and take a picture that way.
I guess my stealthy movements weren't all that stealthy, because as soon as I came into view, the mom's head came up and she stared at me. If anybody had that "deer in the headlights" look, it was ME. Even though I was easily 50 feet away, I could see she considered me a bit of a threat.
I held up my camera and managed one click. I have no idea what I took a picture of though, because all of a sudden I noticed Mommie Deerest's lips were moving. Until then I'd never realized deer had lips that could move.
Clearly she was muttering something under her breath. It wasn't likely she was admiring my summer writing ensemble, or my budding wildlife photography skills.
That's when I realized I had two other skills that were more important in that moment: 1) surviving, and 2) writing about the encounter, assuming she didn't run faster than I did and took a chomp out of me first.
I raced back around the house, hoping she didn't feel the urge to jump over the stone fence, which I knew she could do as easily as I lift my coffee cup. Once I was safely inside my writer's lair, she and her babies were gone, probably off to the next stop on their neighborhood tour. I counted my increased heart rate as my daily exercise and then, as any writer would, I began to ponder what she was saying to her babies when I saw her lips moving in such a menacing fashion.
I'm guessing it was this: "Hey, kids. Wanna see a human turn into a blur?"
OMG, that's an encounter you won't quickly forget, Donna. From adoring frolicking fawns to feeling like you were in the crosshairs of mommie deer's wrath, LOL. I think you did the right thing in becoming a blur before you could find out just how protective she was of her babies!
Posted by: Mae Clair | August 08, 2012 at 10:18 AM
She was probably thicket-hunting and muttered about too many humans in the neighborhood. Or maybe she was talking about how she wished she had her camera along because her husband will never believe what she and the kids saw on their walk.
Posted by: Kate Warren | August 08, 2012 at 07:36 PM
Mae, those babies were so darn cute, just like they'd stepped out of a Disney movie. But the mom sure scared the heck out of me! There wasn't any cuteness in her!
Kate -- LOL -- I'll just bet she wished she had her camera. Heck, she probably takes better pics than I do!
Posted by: Donna Cummings | August 08, 2012 at 09:23 PM
Deer are not supposed to be scary. They are more afraid of you then you are of them. Etc. etc. Right. That's what I tell myself every time one startles a shriek out of me! No, I don't think my I'll make it as a wildlife photographer either. LOL I'm glad you lived to tell. LOL
Posted by: Melissa | August 08, 2012 at 09:37 PM
Melissa -- talk about great fiction! LOL All those "they're more afraid of you" lines. Hah! I forgot I'd encountered another mom and her two babies this past winter, only they were closer to my front door and I wasn't sure how I was going to get past them. Luckily they decided to give me a break and left. I prefer to watch nature on TV. LOL
Posted by: Donna Cummings | August 08, 2012 at 09:56 PM
This doesn't sound like the wild west at all.
Maybe a six shooter is needed for scaring the wild life!
I remember as a youngster I would practice cricket with a friend, in a meadow with sheep grazing. There was always one sheep who would wait until I started my run to bowl, and then charge to try and butt me. Very annoying!
The farmer's daughter noticed the problem and revealed that 'boo-boo' the sheep had been reared as a pet before being released into the flock. Charging humans was a fun game as a lamb but very irritating, not to say painful with a full grown mama sheep!
I also had a similar problem with cows. Playing cricket in a field with a herd was hopeless as the cows gradually closed in around the wicket. Rather like slip fielders.
The beasts are used to humans and very curious creatures.Waving the bat at them caused a temporary retreat but their advance was inexorable.
Had to draw stumps in disgust!
Never tried it in a deer park. The deer always run away from me.
Donna, you must have a wild animal magnetism! LOL
Posted by: Quantum | August 09, 2012 at 01:59 PM
Q, it sounds like YOU have the animal magnetism! That is too funny about "boo-boo" the sheep -- poor thing didn't realize it was playing too rough when it was older. LOL
I know nothing about cricket, but I love reading the various terms: slip fielders and drawing stumps. Fascinating stuff! Maybe you'll have to give a demonstration for the deer here--they might be intrigued and stick around to watch. :)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | August 09, 2012 at 11:14 PM