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September 19, 2012


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Fantastic, Donna! I love these characters and can't wait to read more!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Melissa -- I have a real soft spot for these characters too. Felicia is a lot of fun. She makes Marisa in LORD MIDNIGHT seem almost biddable in comparison. LOL

Mae Clair

Oh, what a delight! Another engaging tale from you. I am eagerly looking forward to more!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Mae -- I'm hoping to get back to this one soon. They're a fun couple, and I like hanging out with them. LOL


I love these sneak peeks .... so tantalising on a Monday morning!

I'll cooperate with your seduction any time .... just publish the book soon. LOL

Donna Cummings

LOL -- Q, thanks for giving me a big smile this morning! I'm glad you like the sneak peeks. I'm actually spending this week finishing a prequel to this story, so hopefully you'll have some new things to read in the near future. :)

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