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October 17, 2012


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Mae Clair

It might be a post from last fall but it was new to me and I found it insightful. I enjoy conflict between characters and exploring how they handle it and react to others. As writers, we sometimes have to wrangle with them to get the right reaction from the right character as we've created them. Fun and frustrating!

And hey, you're due some slack after finishing up edits on two books. Congrats on the accomplishment!


I rather enjoy a good debate. Defending a logically untenable position can push boundaries and unearth creative instincts that you had no inkling existed.

Demonstrating to a loved one that the universe is a hologram was my latest tiff. David Bohm came close to proof with his books on Quantum theory, but the mainstream were always against him.

Paranormal psychology (eg remote viewing) seems to provide some support but the clincher was the power of love. In a holographic world all knowledge is accessible so I knew that she loved me way before we had met. I'm sure that she was persuaded.

Funny how my breakfast toast was burned the following morning ..... must be coincidence! LOL


Congrats on the edits being finished! Yay! How did you celebrate? :)

I'm usually reluctant to have my main characters argue with each other, but it's as if they sense I'm holding back and they will eventually demand their say! Then I feel like I can back track to add layers of what's bothering them when I didn't really know myself in the early rounds. You're right, I do learn a lot about my characters from how they do or don't fight.

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Mae -- right now my eyes are bleary from all the editing, so it doesn't feel like an accomplishment just yet. LOL Tomorrow when I get to finish reading WEATHERING ROCK, I'll definitely realize what I've managed to get done. :)

It can be fun to see how characters work out their conflicts -- especially if they have different arguing styles. LOL Just another reason I like to hang out with my characters!

Donna Cummings

Q, I'm not exactly sure what you said -- well, except for the burnt toast part. :) I do like the part about her loving you before you met. That is very romantic -- and makes for a wonderful story! And I hadn't thought about how a good debate can unearth the creative instincts. That's probably true. Mmm. Now you've got me thinking!

Donna Cummings

Melissa, thanks for the congrats. I haven't had a chance to celebrate yet. LOL Clearly I'm out of practice for celebrating! Plus I feel too tired for it. Hopefully tomorrow I can do something (mild, not wild -- LOL)

That's true about the characters demanding their say, especially when they know we're holding back. Sometimes they don't want to give up their secrets about why they're fighting or upset. It takes a little bit of analysis, and interrogation, to find it out. But it's always worth it. :)


glad I saw this - good reminder for my WIP

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