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October 21, 2012


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Heather Boyd

Oh dear. She may have a point about her luck with men running out. Great six. :)

Gayle Ramage

lol, oops! :D

karen Y. bynum

LOL Loved it! Very visual and the humor is fantastic! :D Great 6!

Lisa Fox

Lol! Oh, that poor boy!

Jessica Subject

LOL Love that she had that effect on the guy. Awesome! :)

Kate Warren

Funny! Apparently her friends don't see the problem. LOL

Karla Doyle

Very cute!

Kate Meader

Super cute and funny, Donna! Love it.

Sandra Sookoo

lol cute!

Elin Gregory

Oh dear, yes she's a curse!! Lovely 6.

Lorraine Paton

Aw, poor girl! She's going to need a durable guy! ;)


Loved the social security line :D

Virginia Kelly

You know? Maybe she is cursed. Poor girl--or maybe poor guy(s) :-) Great six, as usual

S. J. Maylee

Oh, my, Donna, that was hilarious. Love it!! I can just see the guys standing there and getting clobbered. Bravo, fabulous 6.

Laura Kaye

LOL Very cute!

A.S. Fenichel

Now that's funny! Nice six!

Tonya Burrows

This is great! I sure hope she finds a guy unaffected by her Bad Sex Karma!

Carrie Crain

You've painted such a fun, vivid portrait. This made me giggle imagining that poor guy getting smacked. Love it!!!

Mae Clair

That is sooo delightful! I could see everything perfectly. *applause*

Donna Cummings

Thanks, everyone! I love all of your comments -- I'm glad you enjoyed this snippet. It's been a fun book to write. :)

Angela Quarles

LOL! Fun on so many levels, like all of your writing! Totally could picture the poor guy getting creamed due to his distraction and the girls bowing to her. All the little details... Awesome 6!

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