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November 07, 2012


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Wow. My sympathy is with you for the storm, congratulations on being the chapter one contest winner AND for the release of "I Do...Or Die,"...and of course, Happy Birthday!

That combination would make for one hard to find card! LOL


Especially the Happy Birthday!

Donna Cummings

Melissa, compared to the folks in NY and NJ, I didn't have it so bad. I just hate when it's dark. It's pretty windy tonight, so I'm hoping the electricity has the strength to stay on. LOL We had our first real snow too. I'm SO ready for summer already!

LOL about a hard-to-find card. But thanks for all the commiseration and congratulations!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Q! I like to keep the birthday celebration going all month. It's more fun that way. :)

Mae Clair

I'm soooo excited for you about the chapter one win. Your highwayman stole my heart so I completely understand where chapter one intrigued Cheryl. Congrats!

And happy birthday! Celebrate and have fun :)

And, oh, hey ~ I'm so honored Weathering Rock held your interest enough for you to continue reading it by candlelight!

Donna Cummings

Mae, thanks -- for your compliments, and your enthusiasm, and all the good wishes. Not to mention for Weathering Rock, and the way it kept me diverted from the dreary darkness of the storm!

Moravcsik Andra

Great post. I love industry posts that discuss more psychological aspects, so I loved reading about the two types of disinhibition.

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