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November 25, 2012


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Monique DeVere

Lovely, lovely cover, Donna!

I really enjoyed this six, it made me smile. Your voice is a joy to read. I'm off to check out this book further and, of course, download Summer lovin'!;)

Jessie Lansdel

Love the humour in this. Sexy Bond Girl pose. Lol. Very nice six. Thank you for the giggle. ☺

karen Y. bynum

Love this: I just knew was a sexy Bond girl pose. teehee :) Congrats on the excellent review and pre-order!!! Awesome 6!!

Jessica E. Subject

LOL Yes, I think that did make a difference. Great six and cover! :)

Lorraine Paton

LOL. Love your six (as usual)! :)
Congrats on all your news about I Do or Die and Summer Lovin'!

Chip Etier

Yeah, without the foot on the back, she most likely wouldn't have had time to think about the pose.
Nice six!

Carrie Crain

Love this! So full of funny and excitement. I can just picture her as a Sexy James Bond Girl. Cute!

A.S. Fenichel

Funny Girl! Great six.

Lisa Fox

I love the cover! Beautiful! And Shelby sounds like a very fun heroine.

Kate Meader

This is awesome, Donna! Like others, I love the sexy Bond girl pose. Can't wait to read...

Anastasia Vitsky

LOL! Great surprise. What a come-down for the girl who was sure she was "all that", though. Better luck next time, sexy Bond girl wannabe. :)


yeah his foot on the back was a factor no doubt

Mae Clair

Congrats again on that beautiful cover, Donna. I've pre-ordered I DO...OR DIE on Amazon and am looking forward to the read. I know it's going to be a rocking fun story based on this snippet alone. As always, I'm amazed by your effortless humor. Fab six!!

Elin Gregory

Pretty cover! Funny snippet too.

Vriginia Kelly

Okay, when does this come out? Ah, pre-order. That's what I'll do (thanks, Mae Clair) Love your sense of humor. Just finished Summer Lovin' and loved it, so I Do ... or Die is a must buy.

Patricia Preston

I just love your writing! This snippet had such a great twist!

Laura Kaye

Great cover! Enjoy the excitement! And great six!

Cara Bristol

Oh fun! I love the way your mind works!

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