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December 23, 2012


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Linda Morris

Great six! This is on my Kindle, now I just have to actually find the time to read it.

Cara Bristol

Love the way you get into her head. Damn, you're good, Donna!

S. J. Maylee

I've been in a relationship like that, totally sucks, but I think she's onto something. Lust can be all kinds of fun. Fab show of character.

A.S. Fenichel

Well, she's definitely got issues. LOL. Great six.

Kate Warren

Stick with what you know, kid. Hopefully Ryan can break through those barriers she has around her heart. Can't wait to read this one!

Jessica Subject

Oh, I do hope she gives him a chance. Great six! :)

Joya Fields

Awesome six, Donna! Great emotion and lets us know a lot about her background with just a few words. Well done. :)

karen Y. bynum

Love-type emotions! Loved it!! Great 6! :D

Virginia Kelly

Having already read the book and loved it, all I can say is that it's great to revisit and enjoy your heroine. You do such a fabulous job with first person. Will return for another "hit" from I Do ... or Die -- or maybe I'll just pull out my Kindle :-)

Heather Boyd

OMG she's a great character. She REALLY doesn't expect long-term anything, does she?

Lorraine Paton

LOL! Love her! I've got this story waiting for me on my eReader!

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