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January 01, 2013


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Lorraine Paton

That's great, Donna! Congrats! Wishing you all the best for 2013!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Lorraine! Lots of great wishes for you this year too. :)

Mae Clair

WOW! What an amazing year you've had. Congratulations. Your successes are well earned and well deserved. Wishing you many more in 2013

Kitt Crescendo


Donna Cummings

Mae, thanks -- sometimes I have to remind myself of the things I've accomplished, since I keep looking at what I want/need to get done. LOL So it's nice to have something like this to add to the accomplishments list. :) You've been one of the highlights of my year too!

Kitt, thanks so much!


Congrats on being on two lists. the perspective changes when we are included on one- I am speaking personally. The first time I saw myself on a list like that I was pleasantly surprised.

I think they provide a good way for interested people to make new discoveries. The things that people say about her work can sometimes provide the boost we need to put even more effort into it.

It helps to get that boost around the start of a new year!


Thanks for taking the time to post, it?ˉs fantastic which you take the time to offer this information and facts freely.

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