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January 06, 2013


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Jessica Subject

LOL I love the playful exchange between the two of them. And that's a fab cover! :-)

karen Y. bynum

teehee Love the "In the third person" line!! Great 6!

Linda Morris

Zing! Love it.

A.S. Fenichel

Ha! That's funny. Great six and may I say, Beautiful cover!Congrats!

S. J. Maylee

She played that beautifully. Fabulously funny, Donna. :D

Kate Meader

Love her comeback! Great chemistry here, Donna. Can't wait to read in its entirety.

Silver James

This made me gigglesnort. Out loud. Scared the dogs. I can't wait to see these two "evolve."

Angela Quarles

I've read the book, and I still snorted reading this snippet a second time! She's so quick with her wit, I love it!

Clare Davidson

LOL! Loved her quip at the end. Very amusing six. They're playing a fun game with each other.

Eleri Stone

LOL So fun:)

Elin Gregory

Oh she's such a tease. :) Terrific six.

Kate Warren

LOL! I love this.

Lorraine Paton

LOL! Great six! Love their dialogue.

Heather Boyd

LOL. Funny again. You just cannot help yourself can you? :)

Gale Martin

Well done, Donna! Swell six. So, this meme is ending in a month? I didn't realize that.

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