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January 27, 2013


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Clare Davidson

Awesome line at the end! Nice that she can make a quip like that whilst reacting so badly to his question. I really want her to say "yes" :)

Virginia Kelly

I have to remember to look up Ryan's interview. I'd love to hear from him. Great book, as I've said before :-)

karen Y. bynum

Oooooo!!! Love that!!! ;D Great 6! I'm sad to see SSS go too, but I'm gonna keep posting. Hope you will as well.

Anastasia Vitsky

So naughty! :)

Teresa Cypher

lolol...That last sentence was priceless!! Excellent, Donna. You painted the scene so well, the dialogue is perfect. Great six! :-)

Cara Bristol

Love it. You're such a witty writer!

Karla Doyle

LOL! Oh, that's awesome, Donna. Great excerpt!

Cerian Hebert

Love her reaction! Great descriptions!

Lisa Fox

That is a great expert indeed!

Linda Morris

Haha, she's not too overcome to flirt! My kind of girl.


great snippet as usual and I don't see a way to subscribe to blog using e mail... I will miss your humour

Angela Quarles

LOL, love that snippet too. It's so Shelby to react that way, and Ryan gets her, and so his reply is so spot on for him, and then the last line! Love it! I hope you continue doing it every Sunday!

S. J. Maylee

My 6-yr-old just asked me why I was laughing so hard. Oh Donna, I so love your writing. Thank you for making Sundays so fun. See you soon for coffee.

Patricia Preston

That last line was so funny! Loved it! Will see you on Twitter and Facebook. It's not the end!

Joya Fields

Awesome six, Donna! This sounds like a really cool story. :)

Jessica Subject

LOL I don't think that's quite the reaction he expected when he asked her, but I love how she lightens the mood with the last line. Fab six! :)

Sandra Bunino

LOL! Great last line! I love the cover of I Do or Die. Best of luck to you, Donna!

Kate Meader

Going out with a quip, Donna! Love it. Though of course this isn't the end - I just know I'll be reading more of your work on SSS reincarnation sites or maybe, shock, buying it!

Kimberly K. Comeau

You made me laugh! What a way to react to a proposal. How fun can a book be? Great 6, Donna. I'm going to miss your snippets and humor.

Kate Warren

I loved how he handled her reaction. :)

A.S. Fenichel

That may be the funniest line ever. Great six. It has been my true pleasure to get to know you here on SSS. Best of luck. See you on Twitter. :)

Lorraine Paton

LOL! Your six always make me laugh and today was no exception. Great post! I've thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and your stories through SSS! I look forward to reading more! :)

Elin Gregory

*howls* that's brilliant. And I like how he takes charge. Hope to see you on one of the other Six Sunday Substitute Sites!

Heather Boyd

I am sure I read this and left a comment before but its gone now. :( Your blog is always a laugh out loud post for the weekend. Great six, love that last line. LOL . Cheeky girl. I'll be posting on Sunday as usual and hope you drop by.

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