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February 06, 2013


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Dawna Newman

My most memorable would be this year coming because My SO came back into my life after a our divorce a few years ago. We are a happy family again.


In grade 5 a boy from a younger grade had the his teacher and my teacher deliver me a specially made valentine. I have never forgotten that valentine!


Fun Valentines was when we were in university -- my friends and I were all single so we just celebrated Valentines together as a big group. It was fun (and funny) because everyone around us were couples and seated in tables for two -- and we were 8 in our group. ^_^

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Chantelle I.

I haven't had any valentines memories yet unfortunately!


The one my hubby proposed is the most memorable but this one should be good. We are going to dinner for the first time ever!

mary_reiss @ hotmail.com

Amanda P

My best was a "anti-valentines day" party where my single friends and I all got together, made a great dinner w some wine and then went off to the bar. It was good times!

-Amanda P

Lets Get Romantical
Where the Night Kind Roam

Kerry P

The V-day right before we got married, hubby & I really needed a break from all the wedding planning etc, so I booked a weekend at an in that was having a special couples only weekend called Cuddles & Bubbles. Great fun, great food, champagne, and a hot tub for 2! Just what we needed!

Donna Cummings

I love all the memorable Valentine's Days! And the anti-Valentine ones are fun too. Lots of great ideas for future celebrations. :)


my boyfriend proposed me
thanks for the chance :)



I don't have any memorable Valentine's Days yet.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Meghan Stith

My Valentine's Day is generally made up of work as I do not and never has had a man on Valentine's Day. Here's to someday breaking that streak!

Happy Valentine's Day!
mestith (at) gmail (dot) com

Ana Smith

No memorable ones for me. But I hope that this year will be one for the memory! :D


I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but it has been more fun since I started dating my now husband. My most memorable V-Day, however, was probably the one in college where we had an anti-Valentine's Day party!

Joy F

I wonderful dinner, beautiful bracelet and a great night of sex.

Donna Cummings

A proposal is definitely memorable! Along with dinner, gifts, and smexy times. :) I'm thinking this is going to be a great Valentine's Day, for everyone. You hear that, Cupid? LOL


I have no memorable Valentine's Day memories yet, I1m still waiting for love to find me :)

Roxana Z.

We don't have Valentine's Day here, so I don't have any memorable Valentine's Day memory.
Thank you for the giveaway!


We don't celebrate it in Romania, just started a few years ago :) I can't say I am a fan of it...


We don't have Valentine's day in my country


No memorable Valentine's day yet.


don't have a memorable one
added book to Goodreads


sarah p

My most memorable V days have always been those that i spend at home with my husband :)
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com


I've never really celebrated much, so my most memorable is this year when I watched some movies and ate pizza with my friends. Thanks!


Donna Cummings

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented. I loved hearing your Valentine's (and anti-Valentine's!) stories.

Congrats to Natasha for winning the $10 gift card!

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