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February 03, 2013


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Virginia Kelly

Oh, that's a wonderful last line!

And gorgeous cover,too. :-)

S. J. Maylee

Well played, Simon, well played, lol. This exchange was highly entertaining. Beautiful cover, Donna.

Heather Boyd

LMAO That's so good. Cannot wait till this one comes out. Cover is gorgeous!

Mae Clair

OOh, I love the dialogue between these two! The whole series sounds like it's going to be a blast and the cover is gorgeous! Can't wait for this one!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Virginia -- I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

LOL, S.J. -- they're a fun couple of guys to hang out with.

Heather, I'm glad it made you laugh! I'm anxious to get it done and out there.

Mae, I've been having fun writing this series. I started with LORD WASTREL, and then this story decided it was actually the start of it. LOL That's why I'm a little more behind than I expected.

Samantha Hunter

What a gorgeous cover! And I loved the snippet - I really want to read this one :) You and JoAnne Rock are maybe the only two authors who make me want to read historicals :)


Donna Cummings

Sam, thanks -- I'm thrilled you liked the snippet. We'll pull you over to the dark side yet! LOL

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