It's thrilling when someone who doesn't know me decides to give my books a try.
Everyone's reading time is limited, and thus extremely valuable, so we all want to make sure we can sink into a book and enjoy every minute of that story.
I think many of us do what Alex Sokoloff described in her post, The Central Action of a Story, on the Murderati blog.
Ms. Sokoloff says she does a "read-and-discard" to find a book she wants to finish reading. If she likes the first couple of chapters, she needs to know where the plot is headed if she's going to keep reading.
She says, "So much of storytelling is about you, the author, reassuring your reader or audience that you know what you’re doing, so they can relax and let you drive."
This requires a certain amount of trust between the author and the reader. If it's an author I've read before, we've already established a relationship of sorts, so there's a fairly high amount of trust involved. This means I can lean the seat back, and even unbuckle the seat belt, knowing we'll get where we're supposed to, and I'll be happy with her driving skills along the way.
With an author that I'm reading for the first time, it's a bit like taking a ride with someone who's just gotten their learner's permit. I'm debating if I really want to do this, nervously trying to figure out whether to take that leap of faith.
I typically make up my mind after reading the back cover, the first line, and maybe even the first couple of pages. Even after going through this pre-drive checklist, I've still been disappointed on occasion, but so far there haven't been any fiery crashes, although a wheel has flown off once in a while.
Still, the author is promising a certain kind of story in those first few chapters, and the reader has certain expectations, which hopefully are going to be met during what is essentially a cross-country road trip.
How often have you seen this movie blurb: "Joe Schmo is a car thief/cat burglar/petty shoplifter who is ready to retire, but he is pulled into ONE. LAST. SCORE."
Yeah, it's been done about a zillion times, but you never hear anybody say, "I've already seen that. I don't want to see it again." Moviegoers like that scenario, so you'll see it get made a zillion times more.
There is a certain expectation of where that plot will go, based on implicit promises made at the beginning, even if the viewer can't predict what will happen during the heist. But if all of a sudden zombies jumped out and devoured the protagonist's brains while he's cracking open a safe. . . well, the writer has pretty much lost their driving license, right?
Whenever I read a review of a book that has gotten a low ranking, it's generally because the reader feels it didn't live up to their expectations. This could be because of misleading back cover copy, or from a plot thread that was left dangling or even unexplored. Readers like to be surprised, but not in a way that makes them feel foolish, or angry, for agreeing to let you drive them around in circles without a map for hours on end.
We're all looking for a thrilling ride, and hopefully we'll find that each time we try books from an author that's new to us.
What makes you decide to read a new author? What makes you put someone on your auto-buy list?
I look at the back cover copy and read some of it. If nothing grabs me in the first chapter, I usually pass. There have been a few exceptions. Some stories take a while to set up and I respect that, but if it doesn't fit my taste for writing or plot early on, it probably won't halfway through the book either.
Posted by: Kate Warren | February 27, 2013 at 08:59 AM
Usually the cover will first draw me in. Then I read the back. If it sounds enjoyable I try it.
If another author I like suggests it, I usually give it a try.
Lastly, if I read a few good reviews on the same book, I add it to my list to read.
Posted by: Sue G. | February 27, 2013 at 10:42 AM
Kate, I read the cover copy too -- and if that intrigues me, I'll check out the first few pages. I think there have only been a few books that didn't work for me using this method!
Posted by: Donna Cummings | February 27, 2013 at 02:10 PM
Sue, I have definitely added books to the TBR list when an author I like raves about a book or author. And I've added a LOT based on other readers' recommendations on Goodreads (probably more than I'll ever finish -- LOL)
I also found a lot of new-to-me authors from reading their Six Sentence Sunday snippets. Which I miss. *sniff*
Posted by: Donna Cummings | February 27, 2013 at 02:11 PM
I'm drawn first by the cover, after that I check out the blurb. I may scan a review or two, but I tend not to be swayed by those too much. I rarely ever read the opening. The book cover and blurb are generally enough for me to decide whether or not I'm interested. And, of course, I do have a number of authors on my auto-buy list that have me impatiently waiting their new releases. Clockwork Princess, anyone? :)
Excellent post?
Posted by: Mae Clair | February 28, 2013 at 11:16 AM
I mainly follow recommendations from people that I respect. Sometimes a title will catch my eye and make me investigate further, but covers don't really interest me for the e-books that I buy.
Recently I have started checking the free books listed on kindle forums. I filter to see the best rated books and often download to try.
I think it may be worthwhile to offer a book free for a short period, just to get on these kindle lists, especially if the book has some high rating reviews.
Posted by: Quantum | March 01, 2013 at 08:51 AM
Mae, that's interesting that you don't read the opening. I'm trying to remember if I've ever bought a book without doing that. LOL I'm sure I have, but I can't think of one at the moment.
I do know what you mean about auto-buys, but I don't know Clockwork Princess. Guess I better find out more!
Posted by: Donna Cummings | March 02, 2013 at 10:17 AM
Q, yes, I follow others' recommendations, especially those who like the same kind of books I enjoy. I think it's harder to snag attention with ebook covers, since most of them are shown in a thumbnail version while shopping online.
I definitely enjoy free books. I've found several new-to-me authors that way, and now they're on my auto-buy list. I think my free novella has helped readers find ME too, so it's been a worthwhile thing to do!
Posted by: Donna Cummings | March 02, 2013 at 10:20 AM