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March 13, 2013


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Mae Clair

That was a lovely post, Donna! Congrats to you on that achievement, however many years ago it may have been. It IS a milestone for your writing successes.

I've never entered the Golden Heart. Even though I write mainly romance, I have never been involved with RWA, shameful on my part. I really need to connect and learn more about the opportunities that are out there. In the meantime, I send my well wishes along with yours to everyone who is entering. Thanks for such a beautiful post!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Mae. I'm learning how much we need to celebrate our successes, since there are many days when it doesn't feel like we have anything to be festive about. LOL I don't belong to RWA anymore, but I gained a lot from it when I did, and I definitely benefit from all of the online writing friends and information/support available out there nowadays. :)


Love this! Thank you very much for sharing. :) I think I've done the same thing a time or two. No, not final in the Golden Heart, but stop doing something (writing) after a certain level of early success. There is such a huge expectation of more milestones down the road, and the next one must be right around the corner. But you're right, the next milestone doesn't diminish the earlier ones, even if it can feel like missing it meant the last one I passed must have been the end of the road. But that's just silly. The road couldn't have disappeared if I'm still on it, right?

Thanks for giving me a new perspective when I give that next milestone too much power. :)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think our expectations can get the better of us sometimes, especially when we compare our journey to somebody else's. And I laughed at "the road couldn't have disappeared if I'm still on it" -- yes, exactly. I have to keep that in mind, and this phrase will help me do just that. :)

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