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June 19, 2013


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I can't count how many times I've done this. LOL And sometimes I do find that elusive note and think, that's it? Huh. I thought it was more.

I think now when I write down a smidgeon of my next awesome idea I better add "The End" or something to say there is no more so my future self can quit looking and just write. Think that will work? LOL

Lorraine Paton

I'm so glad I'm not alone... LOL

I also have a white board to jot down ideas and a cork board to tack up all my bit of random papers with notes, but do you think I use those? What fun would that be? ;)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I like your idea of putting "The End" on there, so you can quit looking. LOL I'm not sure I'd believe myself, but it might be worth a try. And yes, it is a bit anti-climactic, when I'm positive it's this whole big important thing and it's just a few random thoughts. LOL

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, I like having those kinds of organizational tools around. . . IN THEORY. LOL But it requires me to actually use them, and well, that involves work, which would take time away from writing. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!

Mae Clair

Oh, the little scraps of paper! I currently have four bunched together, that I've been carting around each with different "memory joggers." I use an mini iPad too and a an app called Index Card which I love, but I still can't get out of the habit of grabbing a neon post-it note now and again.

I bought a cork board to organize them but so far it's been collecting dust on my desk. I think I might try your draft email idea too because, having one impaired system isn't enough, LOL!

Donna Cummings

Mae, those little scraps must be our writer ID cards. LOL There is something so appealing about those sticky notes, isn't there? The draft email works well for me, when I can get to the computer, because I can type fast enough to keep up with the ideas -- plus there's the added benefit of being able to read what I wrote and understand it. LOL

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