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June 05, 2013


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Mae Clair

Wonderful ideas, Donna! I love your comment that "it's not about collecting, but connecting." That's so true and what I prefer o do with social media.

I think part of the problem with losing the romance is that as authors, we're expected to be in so many different places online to maintain a presence. I would limit myself to those that work best for me (and where I do connect the most) if not for the expectation of many publishers.

I think that's where we get stretched too thin. It's difficult to maintain those connections on so many various social media sites. Maintaining one or two where we're really connecting would make a big difference IMHO.

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Mae! It's definitely easy to get stretched too thin, and I can worry about not doing enough, especially when I'm reading my FB stats. LOL (Have you noticed they seem to be designed so you ALWAYS fail in at least one category? LOL)

I love the connections I have on Twitter, and I didn't expect that I'd love it so much there. And I love all the connections I've made via Six Sentence Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors -- so many great writer friends there!


I think I must be a bit of a wall flower as I've never tweeted anyone and icons with 'facebook' send me shuddering for another coffee!

I have always preferred small gatherings where more meaningful discussion is possible. Some blogs (like this one) are excellent. One can get to know an author better which helps to understand and appreciate the books

Thats where the romance of the internet lies for me. Getting to know the authors that most appeal through their writing!

You're doing OK Donna. *huge romantic hug*

Donna Cummings

Q, thanks for the virtual romantic hug! It's a great way to start the day. :)

I agree with you about small gatherings where you can get to know people, by actually chatting and interacting. And it's funny, because even though there are a ton of people on Twitter, it always *feels* like a small gathering to me. LOL

And I've found a lot of authors via social media interactions--maybe more than I'll ever be able to read!

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