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July 12, 2013


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Cate Peace

Thank you for hosting me, babe!!! I loved the interview!

Donna Cummings

Cate, thanks for being here -- it was so much fun! Congrats again on the new book. I'm looking forward to reading it!

Heather Boyd

What a great interview. It's not hard to tell why you two get along. I want to be in the room when you pair meet up. Two crazies (and I mean that in the nicest possible way) should be sidesplitting fun to watch. Congratulations on your new release Cate!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Heather! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) I would love to meet up with Cate in person -- just to see what craziness we could accomplish together. LOL

Virginia Kelly

Lovely interview. Great questions, fabulous answers :-)

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Virginia! It was fun to do -- glad it was fun to read. :)

Cate Peace

Thanks, ladies! I think whenever Donna and I DO get into the same room, it'll be epic ^_^

Donna Cummings

It would be legen -- wait for it -- dary! LOL


Fun interview to read! :) I also find the blurb and excerpt for THIS TIME NEXT YEAR fascinating!

S. J. Maylee

That was fun. "jerkhole" LOL :D
Catherine, your cover is gorgeous and I'm loving the blurb. Thanks ladies.

Donna Cummings

Thanks, S.J. -- isn't "jerkhole" the best? LOL Glad you had fun with the interview. :)

Donna Cummings

Oops, Melissa -- I almost missed your comment! I think the book sounds intriguing too. I bought my copy and can't wait to read it. :) So glad you liked the interview too!

Cate Peace

Hey, he IS a jerkhole :D

Thanks for the compliments, ladies!

Taryn Kincaid

Oh, the excerpt is such a teaser! Now I can't wait to find out! Well done!

Donna Cummings

Taryn, me too! I'm looking forward to reading this.

Cate, thanks again for being here -- it was all kinds of fun!

Mae Clair

Fun interview! Donna, I love the new Friday Friends feature and it was great to meet Cate.

What an awesome story blurb and excerpt. This Time Next Year sounds great and that cover is fab!

Donna Cummings

Mae, I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview! I had a lot of fun with it too. I've got my copy of Cate's book and can't wait to read it. :)

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