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August 07, 2013


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Mae Clair

LOVE IT!!! The finishing school for rogues was priceless!Such tongue-in-cheek fun, Donna! I'm so glad you posted this today to put a sparkling start on my dreary rainy day. I can't wait for this book to release!!


Bravo! This is a brilliant introduction. :) I'm absolutely amazed at how quickly and smoothly I fall into love with both the heroine and the hero. I'm also fascinated with how they instantly have a bond between them and I can't wait to read this Regency!

Donna Cummings

Mae, thank you! I needed your sparkling praise to make my day less dreary. :) I hope to have this finished soon (hear that, Endora? LOL)

Donna Cummings

Melissa, I am SO glad to hear you say you fell in love with this pair -- I was hoping that might be the case, but I never know for sure. LOL I can't wait for you to read more, soon (hear that again, Endora?!)

Lorraine Paton

LOL! Fantastic first meet! I love the three of them!

Donna Cummings

Lorraine, thank you! They love hearing that. LOL

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