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August 30, 2013


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S. J. Maylee

That was so much fun! Thank you, Donna, for all the great reads and for making me laugh. I'm so glad we're friends.

Mae Clair

I would love a cabin on the lake not far from a coffee shop too, S.J. I'm also a staycation person but would like to travel more (hubby and I have started doing that this year).

Fun interview as always, Donna. And you two definitely have it down on the coffee addiction, LOL.

Congrats on your release, S.J., and best wishes!

Donna Cummings

S.J., thanks for making this a fun interview! I'm really glad we're friends too. :) Here's some more coffee. . . to celebrate TAKING CHANCES.

Donna Cummings

Mae, while you two are doing the cabin on the lake, I'm going to get the Italy location set up, testing the coffee and all that. :) I definitely want to travel more too, which is funny, since I love staying home. I'm so contrary. LOL

S. J. Maylee

Hi, Mae, thanks! Travel a little and then stay at home, sounds good to me. :) Glad you're getting your travel on, have fun.

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