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August 28, 2013


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S. J. Maylee

Congrats on your release, Donna! Definitely borrow September too, I am. :)

Mae Clair

OMG! I missed this!! Congrats on the release. I just hopped over to Amazon and bought my copy. YAY!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, S. J.! And there's PLENTY of room in September. Well, after I bring all this coffee there might not be. *drags ton of coffee beans in* We'll make room. :) Congrats again your new release!

Donna Cummings

Mae, you didn't miss it. It kinda came out early, at least on Amazon -- I thought it might take longer, so I started a little before the "official release date" of September 1. :) Hope you enjoy it!

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