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September 07, 2013


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S. J. Maylee

Ha ha :) Lord Wastrel does sound more like the name of a scoundrel, lol.

Anne Lange

LOL. I think Simon's in a tad of trouble, and I'm not too sure I'd be taking any advice from Hugh either. :)

Donna Cummings

S.J., he's definitely a scoundrel. I can't wait until he has to deal with troubles in his own book, the next one. *evil cackle*

Anne, Simon has gotten in a bit of trouble. So yeah, advice from Hugh is hard to take. LOL

Summer Ross

LOL- Love that dialogue!
My Blog

Veronica Scott

No more advice from Hugh! Enjoying this story, can't wait to see how Simon gets his lady to listen to him. Great snippet!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Summer!

LOL, Veronica -- Hugh loves to give advice. I'm glad you're enjoying this. :)

Shannyn Schroeder

You give good banter between the guys. I love it. I do agree with Hugh -- I very much enjoy a good grovel scene. But flowers aren't going to cut it


Love the last line! Good point!

A.S. Fenichel

This is adorable. I love him already! Great snippet.

Sarah Cass

LOL! Love the exchange. The dialogue says a lot about their standing, and their relationship.


I laughed straight out! Great scene and captured in only 8 sentences. Well done!

Millie Burns

This was a fun eight. I'm thinking Hugh should keep his advice to himself : )

Heather Boyd

If he were named Lord Wedded Bliss there would be no story. LOL Great snippet.

Donna Cummings

Shannyn, I'm looking forward to some groveling for Hugh in the next book. Does that make me evil? LOL

Thanks, Sassyspeaks!

A.S., I think they're both adorable. I'm too easy. LOL

Sarah, glad you enjoyed it. :)

Donna Cummings

J.A., I'm always glad to hear I make people laugh. :)

Millie, you're probably right about Hugh keeping his advice to himself -- although I can't see that happening. LOL

Heather, that's true -- there'd be no story! LOL

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