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November 08, 2013


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S.J. Maylee

Hi Kate and Donna.

I didn't want you to stop talking about your heroine, lol. You hooked me right there. I know what you mean about the DVR. That % is a bugger. How did you make the tasty ten look so easy? Yes, that cover is awesome. Congrats on the release.

Fun post. Thanks. :)

Donna Cummings

Glad you enjoyed it, S.J. (Always good to see a fellow Six Sentence alum here!)

I liked Cara as a heroine too, and those ab-alicious covers Kate has are wonderful to look at, aren't they? LOL

Mae Clair

Hi, Kate and Donna. I'm completely with you on the writing retreat, Kate. I couldn't have described my dream writing abode better! And I'll take Hawaii too as the permanent one :)

Congrats on All Fired Up! I always loved your SSS snippets and have to catch up with this series. On my TBR!

Donna Cummings

Mae, I think if I went to the Hawaii writing retreat, I'd never make it back. LOL I love it there, and in my mind, I'm *always* there. :)

I think you're going to enjoy this book. I need to read the first one now -- yeah, I always do things backwards. LOL

Kate Meader

Thanks for hosting me today, Donna! I should also mention that during my release week (month?) blitz, my publisher is giving away free stuff to celebrate, including a $100 AMEX gift card! See this page for details: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/ZTQzMTk4N2YwYjQxZjI5MTFkNTljNjY0ZDc1ZGQ5OjEx/
Free books, goodies, and cash! Who doesn't want that, right? Thanks again, lady!

Donna Cummings

Kate, it's fun having you here. :) And thanks for sharing the rafflecopter info -- all kinds of goodies there!

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